Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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ComboCopter PlusA Curvy Copter Plus combined with a 2x2x2.
ComboctahedronA hybrid puzzle. It looks like the face turning octahedron and the magic octahedron but allows the moves from both puzzles.
CombowA redesigned Compy Cube in shape of a cuboctahedron.

Come risolvere il cubo di RubikUn campione di tredici anni vi speiga in modo semplice i misteri del cubo magico
ComeCocosA knock-offed version of Missing Link
ComeCocos FrutasA knock-offed version of Missing Link covered with fruits known from slot machines.

Como solucionar el ProblemaSoluciones al dado y diversos juegos de colores. Con 143 ilustraciones.
Compass 2DEight segments, one rotating circle and one moving hole.
Compass 3DA reduced Bolaris, reimplementing a 2D puzzle from the same designer.

Compass CubeA strangely bandaged 3x3x3. It unintentionally is the first physical implementation of something very close to the imaginary pieces.
Compass RoseA 3x3x3 in a shape close to the stellated octahedron.
Compass Sierra Nevada or Rex Inverted PuckA model in which the Rex and Inverted Puck concepts are mixed.

Compi-JewelA two axes with threefold rotation, with shallows cuts.
Compino DipyramidA remade Curvy Compino in shape of a hexagonal dipyramid.
Compino SkewbA hybrid of a Curvy Compino and a Skewb, a corner turning cube.

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